Saturday, August 19, 2006

Don't waste time, double your adsense revenue today

It's really hard now a days to earn great adsense revenue neither for an advertiser or just a blogger. But let's just say you're earning $500 - $5000 dollars a day for blogging, with pageviews of about 100,000 a day and 60% of your visitors just leaving your website without visiting any of your targeted ads on your website, it's certainly a loss of revenue, too bad.

But never worry, the Ontok Highlighter adds links to keyphrases in your website that are highly informative. (Mouseover Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire : this link was added.) When visitors click or mouseover these new links, they are shown contextually relevant search results and ads from the world's most trusted web sites.

Enhance your site and profits with the Ontok Highlighter! The Ontok Highlighter adds links to keyphrases in your website that are highly informative. (Check out our web site for a demo, or generate the code for your blog.) When visitors click or mouseover these new links, they are shown contextually relevant search results and ads from Google, Yahoo, Amazon, eBay,, Technorati, craigslist, and many other web sites.

The Ontok Highlighter only highlights words in your page that are either product-related or topically related to the page being highlighted. This results in ads so well-matched that your visitors will actually find them useful. The Ontok Highlighter increases your site's revenue potential. We use your link-ids for 80% of the results that we serve. You supply these link-ids when you get the Ontok Highlighter code, and tell us how selective the highlighter should be, which will directly impact your revenue potential. You can choose from millions of possible color combinations to match your site design to the Ontok Highlighter display perfectly.

The highlighter is free, and no minimum # of impressions is required. You will need your Adsense code and, if you have them, your Amazon and eBay code. The Ontok Highlighter highlights words better than intellitxt and Kontera. It was designed by a MIT-trained computational linguist.

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