Thursday, February 01, 2007

Take off that Tie

Peter Belisi is running the "Take off that Tie" Campaign on his Myspace profile entitled "Belisi Take off that Tie Campaign". For a little background about Peter Belisi, he is the CEO of Belisi fashion. He was well known for his luxurious silky smooth neckties that are hand made from the world's finest silk. Take note you can but his necties for as low as $3! His campaign is about everyone's seen that tie that should have been left on the rack. This is my answer to his campaign! As shown at the aboe photo wearing a black tie with a combination of an orange t-shirt is really unappealing. But if you're really a cool dude why not, you can handle it. Peter Belisi's myspace profile is open to anyone, so if you have an account on Myspace you can add him as friend.

Sponsored by Peter Belisi

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