Monday, December 04, 2006

How to protect your kids from aggressive sexual solicitation

According from the researched held by National Institute for Missing and Exploited Children (NIMEC) concluded that in the past year one in five minors were subjected to sexual solicitation through chat rooms and instant messengers. 5% received aggressive sexual solicitation in the form of phone calls, mail, money, or gifts, as well as being asked to meet. Almost 70% of all solicitations occurred in the home, yet less then one-quarter of minors told a parent. Today more and more teenagers are prone to sex predators because of online chatting like the myspace chat, yahoo messenger, msn messenger and many more. Parents can protect their kids by installing softwares which can log everything what their child is doing on the computer. Spector Pro is a guaranteed software that can record every single aspect of activity from myspace chat.

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